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 Do the tasks "M. Shagal"

I. Find in the text English equivalents:

Отношения, несмотря на бедность, сильная ссора, дружелюбное окружение, был назначен,  родился, богатые впечатления, неустойчивые времена, сильное влияние, известный во всем мире, его Родина, серия работ, главная выставка, мало художников.

II. Who in the story is:

1. Marc Chagall

a. Chagall’s wife

2. Bella

b. Tolstoy’s daughter

3. Nijinsky

c. Chagall’s friend

4. Vera

d. dancer

5. Leon Bakst

e. painter

III. What events happened in:


a. died

2. 1906

b. found a patron

3. 1914

c. was born

4. 1910

d. left for St. Petersburg

5. 1985

e. sent paintings to the avant-garde exhibition

IV. Say if the statements are TRUE or FALSE:

1.      Chagall’s childhood was poor and unhappy.

2.      He learned the piano.

3.      Chagall’s parents supported his dream to become an artist.

4.      He painted all his famous works in Paris.

5.      The style of Chagall’s artwork is Cubism.

6.      During the war he resided in Belarus.

7.      In 1914 Chagall sent a few paintings to the avant-garde exhibitions in Russia.

8.      In 1917 he was appointed director of the Free Academy of Music in Paris.

9.      His first child was daughter Ida.

10.  Marc Chagall died in 1986.

V. Answer the questions:

1.      When was Chagall born?

2.      How many children were there in Chagall’s family?

3.      What did he write from an early age?

4.      What instrument did he learn to play?

5.      When did Chagall begin to display his talent?

6.      What did Chagall decide to be against his parents’ wishes?

7.      Who did he begin studying art with?

8.      When did he leave for Petersburg?

9.      When did he settle in France?

10.  When did Chagall die?


VI. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

1.      Марк Шагал – известный художник.

2.      Он родился в Витебске в 1887 году.

3.      Его детство было бедным, но счастливым.

4.      С раннего возраста он рисовал и писал стихи.

5.      Он научился играть на скрипке.

6.      В 1906 году Шагал уехал в Петербург.

7.      Он учился искусству с Леоном Бакстом.

8.      Покровитель оплатил его учебу в Париже.

9.      На его идеи сильно повлияло творчество Роберта Делоне.

10.  В Париже он нарисовал несколько своих самых известных картин.

Read the text:


In the commercial world today trade fairs and exhibitions are very important for business contacts.

Every year a lot of international, national and speciali­zed exhibitions and fairs are held in different countries of the world. The number of countries and companies who take part in them is growing from year to year and the scope of fairs and exhibitions is becoming larger.

The display during these exhibitions includes a wide range of exhibits which show the latest achievements in different fields of industry, science and agriculture of many countries.

Usually fairs and exhibitions are crowded with visitors, who show much interest in the exhibits on display. The visitors usually ask many questions and the stand attendants answer them and explain everything in great details.

At international and national exhibitions commercial cen­tres are established where participants can negotiate the sale and the purchase of different goods.

Every exhibition is an eye-opening experience and al­so a method to advertise products. Fairs and exhibitions are usually held under various mottoes: people and progress, peace and progress through economic cooperation and so on. International fairs and exhibitions pave the way for the con­solidation of friendship among countries and nations.




fair – ярмарка

exhibition – выставка

to hold (held) – проводить 

to take part – принимать участие

to grow – расти 

scopeзд. возможности

displayзд. ассортимент демонстрируемых товаров

to include – включать в себя

wide – широкий

range – спектр, ассортимент

exhibit – экспонат 

achievement – достижение 

crowd – толпа

stand attendant – стендист

to establish – создавать, учреждать to negotiate – вести переговоры



to be an eye-opening experienceпозволять воочию убедиться  

to advertiseрекламировать  



to pave the wayпрокладывать путь

con­solidationзд. укрепление



I.Find English equivalents:

Деловые контакты, специализированные выставки, международные ярмарки, принимают участие, из года в год, широкий ассортимент, последние достижения, в различных областях науки, проявляют интерес, экспонаты на выставке, задают много вопросов, всё подробно объясняют, могут обсудить, продажа и покупка товаров, способ прорекламировать, проводятся под девизом, экономическое сотрудничество. 

II. Match the words:


1. to hold

2. to take part

3. to show

4. to ask

5. to explain

6. to establish

7. to negotiate

8. to advertise

a. in great details

b. commercial cen­tres

c. many questions

d. the sale and the purchase

e. products

f. in exhibitions

g. fairs

h. the latest achievements

III.Complete the sentences:


1. Trade fairs and exhibitions are very important for … contacts.

2. The exhibitions and fairs can be … , national and … .

3. The … during the exhibitions includes a wide … of exhibits.

4. They show the latest … in different fields of … , science and … of many countries.

5. Usually visitors show much interest in the … on display.

6. The visitors ask many questions and the stand … answer them.

7. At international and national exhibitions … cen­tres are established.

8. The participants can … the sale and the purchase of different goods.














IV. Answer the questions:

1. What kinds of exhibitions and fairs do you know?

2. What can you see at the exhibitions?

3. Do visitors usually show much interest in the exhibits on display?

4. Who can answer the visitors’ questions?

5. Why are commercial cen­tres established at international and national exhibitions?

6. Why do we say that every exhibition is a good method to advertise goods?

7. Why are trade fairs and exhibitions important for business contacts?

V.Translate into English:

1. Вы когда-нибудь были на международных выставках?

2. Какие новые товары вы видели вчера на ярмарке?

3. Мы хотели бы обсудить наше дальнейшее сотрудничество.

4. Давайте представим нашу продукцию на выставке. Это хороший метод рекламы.  


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