

Read the text:


      The aim of education is to develop to the full the talents of children for their own benefit and benefit of society as a whole. It is a large-scale investment in the future.

      In Republic of Belarus there is a free state education system. It has the following stages: pre-school education, secondary school, vocational training and university education.

      Pre-school education for the children from 3 to 6 years old is provided in kindergartens. The children spend most of their time in some sort of play activity, as far as possible of educational kind.

      In our country compulsory education begins at age of 6, when the children go to primary school. At the age of 10 they transfer to secondary school. Nearly all state secondary schools are comprehensive, that means they take all the children in a given area, without selection, and give them a wide range of education.

      All pupils must stay at school until the age of 15, those who are going to enter university remain at school until the age of 17.

      All schools hold classes between Mondays and Fridays. The school year normally begins in early September and continues into the following June. The school year is divided into four terms.

      At the age of 15 secondary school pupils take examinations to get the General Certificate of Secondary Education. It doesn’t allow school-leavers to enter university, but they can start work or do some vocational training.

      At the age of 17 pupils write centralized tests and get certificates which show their results. Admission to universities is carried out by centralized tests results, but there may be some examinations as well.



aim – цель 

education – образование

benefit – польза

free – бесплатный

state – государственный

pre-school – дошкольный

kindergarten – детский сад

primary schoolначальная школа

secondary school – средняя школа

comprehensive – общеобразовательный

compulsory education – обязательное обучение

school year – учебный год

term – семестр, четверть 

school-leaver – выпускник

to enter university – поступить в университет

vocational training – профессионально-техническое образование

activity – деятельность

wide range – широкий спектр        

to allow – позволять

admission to universities зачисление в университеты



 I. Make up word-combinations:

1. to spend

2. to provide

3. to take

4. to develop

5. to transfer to

6. to enter

7. to do

8. to start

9. to write

a. examinations

b. secondary school

c. education

d. university

e. time

f. work

g. talents

h. tests

i. vocational training

II. Complete the sentences using the words:

1. Education helps to develop the … of children.

2. Belarus education system has the following … : … education, secondary school, … training and university education.

3. Compulsory … begins at age of 6.

4. After primary school the children transfer to … school.

5. Most secondary schools are … . 

6. All schools hold … between Mondays and Fridays.

7. The school year is divided into four …  .

8. Admission to … is carried out by centralized … results.












III. Write if the sentences are “true” or “false”:

1. There is no free state education system in Republic of Belarus.

2. Kindergartens take children from 3 to 8 years old.

3. There are not enough kindergartens for all children. 

4. In our country there is no compulsory education.

5. If you leave school al the age of 15, you can do some vocational training.

6. If you are going to enter university, you will remain at school until the age of 16.

IV. Answer the questions:

1. What is the aim of education?

2. What can you say about Belarus state education system?

3. What do the children do in kindergartens?

4. When does compulsory education begin in our country?

5. When do the pupils transfer to secondary school?

6. What does the word “comprehensive” mean?

7. When does the school year begin? When does it end?

8. Do the pupils have classes on Saturdays?

9. What can the school-leavers do when they have the General Certificate of Secondary      Education?

10. How can the pupils enter universities?   

V. Translate the sentences:

1. Целью образования является развитие талантов детей.

2. Дошкольное образование осуществляется в детских садах.

3. В нашей стране обязательное обучение начинается с 6 лет.

4. В 10 лет дети переходят из начальной школы в среднюю.

5. Большинство средних школ являются общеобразовательными.

6. Учебный год начинается в сентябре и заканчивается в июне.

7. Вы можете начать работать или получить профессионально-техническое образование.

8. Зачисление в университеты производится по результатам централизованного тестирования.

Watch the video:


Read the text:


      The educational system of Great Britain has developed for over a hundred years. It is a complicated system with wide variations between one part of the country to another.

      The great majority of children (about 9 million or 94%) attend Britain’s 31,000 state schools. No tuition fees are payable in any of them. Only 6% of children go to private (independent) schools where the parents have to pay.

      Education for the under-fives, mainly from 3 to 5, is not compulsory and can be provided in nursery schools. Although they called schools, they give little formal education. The children spend most of their time in some sort of play activity, as far as possible of educational kind. In any case, there are not enough of them to take all children of that age group. 

      Compulsory education begins at age of 5 in England, Scotland and Wales, and at 4 in Northern Ireland. All pupils must stay at school until the age of 16. About 9% of pupils in state schools remain at school until the age of 18 to be able to enter university.

      Education within the state school system has either two stages (primary and secondary) or three stages (first schools, middle schools and upper schools).

      The primary school usually takes children from 5 to 11. Then they transfer to secondary school. Nearly all state secondary schools are comprehensive, that means they take all the children in a given area, without selection, and give them a wide range of education.

      State schools are almost all day schools, holding classes between Mondays and Fridays. The school year normally begins in early September and continues into the following July. The year is divided into three terms of about 13 weeks each.

      The principal examinations taken by secondary school pupils at the age of 16 are those leading to the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE). It doesn’t allow school-leavers to enter university, but they can start work or do some vocational training.

      The chief examinations at the age of 18 are leading to General Certificate of Education Advanced level (GCE A-level). It enables the six-formers to move to higher education.

      Admission to universities is carried out by examination or selection (interviews). Applications for places in nearly all the universities are sent initially to Universities and Colleges Admission Service (UCAS). In the application an applicant can list up to five universities in order of preference. Applications must be sent to the UCAS in the autumn term of the academic year preceding that in which the applicant hopes to be admitted. The UCAS sends a copy to each of the universities named. Each of the universities selects its own students.

      The overall pupil-teacher ratio in state primary and secondary schools is about 18 to 1, one of the most favourable in the world.



complicated сложный

state государственный

private (independent) schools частные школы

public schools – закрытые частные школы

to pay tuition fees – платить за обучение  

nursery schoolясли

admission зачисление

application заявление

applicant – абитуриент, кандидат

ratio – соотношение




I. Find English equivalents in the text:

Сложная система, большие региональные различия, большинство детей, плата за обучение, приходиться платить, насколько возможно, чтобы поступить в университет, даёт возможность шестиклассникам, заявления  сначала направляются, абитуриент может указать, надеется быть зачисленным, университет выбирает студентов.  

II. Make up word-combinations:

1. complicated

2. wide

3. great

4. tuition

5. play

6. wide 


8. higher

9. admission to

10. applications for

a. fees

b. range

c. system

d. education

e. universities

f. variations

g. places

h. majority

i. examinations

j. activity

III. Complete the sentences using the words:

1. The educational system of Great Britain has wide … between one part of the country to another.

2. The majority of children attend … schools. No tuition … are payable in any of them.

3. Education for the under-fives can be provided in … schools.

4. Comprehensive schools give a wide … of education.

5. Admission to … is carried out by examination or selection.

6. In the … an applicant can list up to five universities.

7. Each of the universities selects its own … .

8. The overall pupil-teacher … in state schools is about 18 to 1.











IV. Answer the questions:

1.      How many children attend Britain’s state schools?

2.      How many children attend private (independent) schools?

3.      Are tuition fees payable in state schools?

4.      Are there any kindergartens in Britain?

5.      When does compulsory education begin in Britain?

6.      How many state schools pupils are going to enter university?

7.      What certificate of education enables the pupils to move to higher education?

8.      How is admission to universities carried out?

9.      What is the overall pupil-teacher ratio in state schools?

V. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

1. Система образования Великобритании является сложной.

2. Большинство детей посещают государственные школы.

3. В этих школах не нужно платить за обучение.

4. Дети от 3 до 5  лет могут ходить в ясли, но это не обязательно.

5. В Англии обязательное обучение начинается с 5 лет.

6. Учебный год делиться на три семестра.

7. В 16 лет можно сдать экзамены и получить сертификат об общем среднем образовании.

8. Чтобы поступить в университет, абитуриенты должны отослать свои заявления в специальную службу.      























