My flat/ house

Read the text and answer the questions: 

 My flat

 We have a nice flat in a new block of flats. Our flat is on the fourth floor. It has all modern conveniences: central heating, gas, electricity, cold and hot water, a lift and a chute to carry rubbish down.

There are three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall in our flat.

The living-room is the largest and most comfortable room in the flat. In the middle of the room we have a square-table with six chairs round it. To the right of the dinner-table there is a wall-unit which has several sections: a sideboard, a wardrobe and some shelves. At the opposite wall there is a piano and stool before it. Between the two large windows there is a little table with a colour TV set on it. Near the TV set there are two cosy armchairs. A small round table, a divan-bed and a standard lamp are in the left-hand corner. This small table is for newspapers and magazines. My father is used to having a rest sitting on this divan-bed reading books, newspapers, magazines or watching TV.

The bedroom is smaller than the living-room and not so light as there is only one window in it. In this room there are two beds with a bedside-table between them. An alarm-clock and a small lamp are on the table. In the left-hand corner there is a dressing-table with a big mirror. In this room we have a built-in wardrobe with coat-hangers to hang clothes on. There is a thick carpet on the floor and plain light-brown curtains on the window.

The third room is my study. It is not large but very cosy. There isn’t much furniture in it, only the most necessary. It has a writing-table and an armchair before it. In the right-hand corner there is a bookcase full of books, magazines and newspapers. A small table with a radio is standing in the left-hand corner. Near it there is a sofa with some cushions. In my opinion, the study is the best room in our flat. My friends used to come to my place to have a chat or to play chess in the evening, and they say my room is very comfortable. I share their opinion. But the warmest place in our flat is the kitchen, I think — the place where the whole family gathers every evening not only to have supper together, but also to speak and rest. I like the English proverb: «My home is my castle» because my flat is, indeed, my castle.



1. Have you a house or a flat?

2. How many rooms are there in your flat?

3. Has your flat all modern conveniences? What are they?

4. What room is the largest in your flat?

5. What is there in the middle of the room?

6. Is there a piano in the living-room?

7. What is there near the TV set?

8. How many windows are there in the bedroom?

9. What is on the bedside-table?

10. What colour curtains are there on the window?

11. What room is very cosy?

12. Is there much furniture in the study?

13. What is there in the right-hand corner of the study?

14. What is standing in the left-hand corner?

Watch the video:

Read the text "House and Home" and do the tasks:


What’s the difference between a house and home? The house is a building for people to live in. Home is a place where a person lives with his family and feels comfortable and relaxed.   

A person’s home is as much a reflection of his personality as the clothes he wears, the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time. Depending on the personality, how people see themselves and how they allow others to see them, most have in mind “an ideal home”. But in general, especially for students and new wage earners, there are practical limitations of cash and location on the way of making their dream come true. 

In fact, cash shortage often means that the only way of getting along when you leave school is to stay at home for a while until things improve financially. There are obvious advantages of living at home: personal laundry is usually done with the family wash, meals are provided and you pay a minimum rent for it if any at all. 

On the other hand, much depends on how a family gets on. Do your parents like your friends? Are you prepared to be tolerant when your parents ask where you are going in the evening and what time you expect to be back? 

If you don’t like the idea of living with the family you can rent a room till you make enough money to buy your own apartment.




difference – различие 

building – здание    

reflection – отражение 

personality – личность, индивидуальность 

to spend time – проводить время 

to depend on – зависеть от 

to allow – позволять 

wage – зарплата 

to earn – зарабатывать 

limitation – ограничение  

cash – наличные деньги 

location – местонахождение 

to make dream come true – осуществить мечту 

shortage – нехватка  

to stay – оставаться 

to improve – улучшаться 

obvious – очевидный 

advantage – преимущество 

to do laundry – стирать бельё  

to pay – платить  

rent – квартирная плата 

on the other hand – с другой стороны 

to get on – ладить 

to expect – ожидать 



I. Find English equivalents:

Отражение его личности, позволять другим людям, представляют себе, молодые специалисты, реальные ограничения, нехватка наличных, единственный способ, пока не улучшится материальное положение, очевидные преимущества, с другой стороны, жить вместе с семьёй, зависит от отношений в семье, снимать комнату, купить свою квартиру.

II. Make up word combinations: 


1. cash

2. practical

3. wage

4. ideal

5. obvious

6. minimum

7. enough

8. detached

a. rent

b. money

c. shortage

d. house

e. earners

f. advantages

g. limitations

h. home

III. Complete the sentences: 



1. Most people have in mind their ideal ….

2. The young people can’t buy their own …, because of … shortage.

3. When you hire a room, you pay some … for it.

4. There are some obvious … of living at home.

5. When you make enough …, you can buy you own ….








 IV. Answer the questions:

1. Would you like to live in a private house or a flat?

2. Why is it difficult to buy your own apartment?

3. What is your “ideal home” like?

4. Would you prefer to live with your family or to rent a room?

5. What are the advantages (преимущества) of living with the family?

6. What are the advantages of renting a room?

V. Translate the sentences:

1. Дом – это место, где человек уютно себя чувствует.  

2. Она не позволяет другим видеть свои слёзы (tears). 

3. Они осуществили свою мечту. 

4. Молодые люди часто не могут купить квартиру из-за нехватки денег.

5. Давайте подождём, когда улучшиться наше материальное положение.

6. Всё зависит от тебя. 

7. Кто обычно стирает бельё в вашей семье?

8. Он хорошо ладит с родителями.  


Read the tet about the flat:


I live in a new nine-storeyed block of flats in Pushkin street. Our flat is on the third floor. It is very comfortable. We have all modern conveniences, such as central heating, electricity, gas, cold and hot running water and a telephone. There are three rooms in our flat: a living-room, a bedroom and a study. We also have a kitchen, a bathroom, a small entrance hall and two balconies. 

Our living-room is the largest in the flat. It overlooks a green park and has a lot of sunshine. The living-room is nicely furnished. There is a suit of modern furniture with a wall unit, a wardrobe and a bookcase. To the left of the wall unit there is a corner sofa with two armchairs and a small table for newspapers. In the opposite corner there is a TV set. A beautiful crystal chandelier gives much light to the room. A thick carpet on the floor and curtains on the windows match the walls. All this makes the room very cosy. My mother usually buys everything for the living-room, she has a good eye for colour and style. 

I spend most of my time in my bedroom that I also use as a study. Here you can see a writing-table where I do my homework. Against the wall there is a pull-out sofa where I sleep at night and have a rest in the day time. There are some book-shelves with my text-  and fiction books. There is a soft thick rag on the floor near the sofa. My dog likes to sleep on it. 

My parents’ bedroom is bigger than mine. There is a double bed, a mirror-stand, two bedside tables and a built-in wardrobe. It’s very convenient to have it because it doesn’t occupy much space. 

Our kitchen is rather large. There is a set of modern kitchen furniture, a gas-stove with an oven, a refrigerator and a cupboard where we keep our dishes. The kitchen serves us as a dining-room. But when we receive our guests we have meals in the living-room.

I like my bathroom too because it provides us with maximum of convenience and is well-fitted. There is a nice mirror, a rack for towels, a bath-tab and a basin. There is a shelf above the basin where I keep soap, tooth-paste, tooth-brush, combs, shampoos and make-up. It’s very pleasant to take a bath or have a shower there.

The entrance hall is small. There is a hall-stand and a mirror on the wall. A telephone is on special table under the mirror. We try to keep our flat clean.



block of flats – многоквартирный дом

comfortable – удобный 

convenience – удобство

central heating – отопление

running water – водопровод 

living-room – гостиная 

bedroom – спальня 

study – кабинет 

kitchen – кухня 

bathroom – ванная 

entrance hall – прихожая  

furniture – мебель 

built-in wardrobe – встроенный шкаф 

bookcase – книжный шкаф

armchair – кресло 

chandelier – люстра 

carpet – ковёр 

rag – коврик 

curtain – занавеска  

   to match – подходить по цвету, сочетаться

cosy – уютный 

writing-table – письменный стол 

pull-out sofa – раздвижной диван 

mirror – зеркало  

bedside table – тумбочка 

gas-stove – газовая плита

oven – духовка 

refrigerator – холодильник 

cupboard – шкаф для посуды 

dish – тарелка 

bath-tab – ванна 

basin – раковина 

soap – мыло 

tooth-paste – зубная паста

tooth-brush – зубная щётка 

make-up – косметика 

to take a bath – принимать ванну 

have a shower – принимать душ

hall-stand – вешалка 

clean – чистый 


I. Find English equivalents:

Девятиэтажный многоквартирный дом, на четвёртом этаже, все удобства, центральное отопление, маленькая прихожая, окна выходят на парк, хорошо обставлена, современный мебельный гарнитур, хорошо освещает комнату, делает комнату уютной, у мамы хороший вкус, провожу время, не занимает много места, принимаем гостей, кушаем, вешалка для полотенец, содержать в чистоте.

II. Complete the sentences with the words:

1. We have all modern … in our flat.  

2. Our living-room … a green park. 

3. The living-room is nicely … . 

4. There is a … sofa with two armchairs. 

5. A beautiful crystal … gives much light to the room. 

6. There is a thick … on the floor. 

7. The curtains on the windows … the walls. 

8. My mother has a good eye for colour and … . 

9. I use my bedroom as a … . 

10. In my parents’ bedroom there is a … bed and two bedside tables. 

11. The … wardrobe doesn’t occupy much space. 

12. In the kitchen there is a … with an oven.














III. Answer the questions:

1. Do you live in a private house or in a block of flats?

2. What is there next to your house?

3. What floor is your flat on?

4. What modern conveniences are there in your flat?

5. Is your flat large or small? How many rooms are there in your flat? What are they? 

6. Which is the biggest room in your flat?

7. How is your living-room furnished?

8. Do you often get together in your living-room?

9. Where do you keep your clothes?

10. Where do you keep your books? 

11. Where do you usually have meals?

12. Are you happy with your flat?

IV. Ask your friend: 

1. живёт ли она в старом или новом доме;

2. где находится её дом;

3. какая у неё квартира;

4. на каком этаже её квартира;

5. есть ли у неё телефон;

6. как обставлена её гостиная/ спальня/ кабинет.

V. Translate the sentences:

1. Наш дом находится на улице Горького. Мы переехали туда 2 года назад. 2. У него двухкомнатная квартира на втором этаже. 3. Все комнаты небольшие, но они уютно обставлены. 4. В гостиной находится сервант, угловой диван, цветной телевизор, 2 кресла и журнальный столик. 5. Наша кухня – довольно большая. Там есть плита, холодильник, посудный шкаф, стол и несколько стульев. 6. В ванной хранятся различные предметы туалета (toilet articles). 7. На стене в коридоре находится вешалка и зеркало. 8. Мы поддерживаем порядок в комнате.

 Answer the questions:

Read the text "Our residential hall":


 Hall of residence is a part of the education system rather than just a provision of accommodation. As hall members have to learn to be independent and interact closely with students of different backgrounds under the same roof.

Our college provides on-campus housing to all full-time students. Our residential halls are conveniently located next to the college’s main building. They have several floors. All residence halls are completely smoke free. Each floor in all halls is equipped with at least two kitchens, where the students can cook their meals. Besides, they can have lunch at the canteen.  

The rooms are furnished in a simple way. Each room has some beds, bedside tables and a wardrobe. Curtains cover the window. Besides, our students are allowed to have a TV set and a refrigerator.  

All students have to share a room with their group mates. For many, living with roommates may be a new experience. They find that sharing a room with other persons requires communication, cooperation and compromise. 

In our residential hall there is a library, so the students can study in the reading rooms after classes. The hall also offers some sports and cultural activities (drama, arts and crafts).

There is a warm atmosphere, friendly relationship between the halls’ occupants – both students and staff. 


residential hall – общежитие  

to provide – предоставлять 

accommodation – жильё 

to interact – взаимодействовать 

to offer an opportunity – предоставлять возможность 

full-time student – студент дневного отделения 

completely – полностью 

to be equipped – быть оборудованным 

canteen – столовая   

to allow – позволять 

to share a room – жить в одной комнате 

experience – опыт 

to require – требовать 

staff – персонал 



I. Find English equivalents:

 Часть учебного процесса; предоставление жилья; студенты, проживающие в общежитии; приходиться учиться; тесно взаимодействовать; студенты из различных семей; под одной крышей; удобно расположены; могут пообедать; студентам разрешается; требует взаимных уступок; после занятий; спортивные занятия; дружеские отношения. 

II. Make the word combinations: 

1. accommodation

2. hall members 

3. to interact 

4. students of different backgrounds 

5. to offer an opportunity 

6. to be located 

7. canteen  

8. to share a room 

9. to communicate 

10. staff 

a. students from different families 

b. housing

c. to live with roommates 

d. to give a chance

e. to cooperate

f. halls’ occupants

g. to give a chance 

h. personnel

i. dining hall 

j. to exchange information

III. Complete the sentences: 

1. Hall of residence is not only provision of … . 

2. Our college provides housing to all … . 

3. Our residential halls are … next to the college’s main building. 

4. The students are not allowed to … in the residential halls. 

5. Each floor in all halls is … with at least two kitchens. 

6. The students may also have lunch at the … .  

7. The rooms are … in a simple way. 

8. … cover the window. 

9. All students have to … a room with their group mates. 

10. Sharing a room with other persons requires … , cooperation and … . 



full-time students 









IV. Answer the questions:

1. Does our college provide housing to all full-time students?

2. Where are our residential halls located? 

3. How many floors do our residential halls have?

4. Are there any kitchens in our residential halls? 

5. How are the rooms furnished? 

6. Are the students allowed to have a TV set? A refrigerator?

7. Are there any single rooms? Do the students have to share a room with their group mates? 

8. Is it easy to get along with your roommates? 

9. How should you behave to be a good roommate? 

10. Where can the students study after classes?

11. How can the students spend their free time? 

V. Translate the sentences:

1. Наш колледж предоставляет общежитие всем студентам дневного отделения из других городов. 

2. В нашем колледже два общежития. 

3. Курение в общежитиях запрещено. 

4. Студенты могут готовить себе еду на кухнях или обедать в столовой. 

5. Комнаты в общежитиях обставлены просто. 

6. Чтобы жить дружно со своими соседями по комнате, приходится уступать друг другу. 

7. После занятий можно заниматься в драмкружке. 

8. Очень важно установить хорошие отношения со своими соседями по комнате и  работниками  общежития.  

