Yuth organizations

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Youth organizations in Belarus

Nowadays young people have more rights than before and are free to demonstrate themselves as they want. Young people can become active participants in their own history through membership of one of the young organizations.

Belarusian Scouting was reborn and reorganized in 1989.

The Belarusian Republican Scout Association includes more than 7,500 members, both boys and girls, in three branches ranging from 8 to 17 years of age. The aims of Belarusian Scouting are to promote the development of young people in order to reach their full intellectual and social opportunity as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of local, national and international communities.

Belarusian Guiding started in 1993. The Association of Belarusian Girl Guides is working on a range of activities, which help girls in the development of character, creative facilities, interests plus life skills. The Association of Belarusian Guides include:  

ü seminars, trainings, conferences;

ü educational programs;

ü social projects;

ü international guides and scout camps;

ü travelling.

The membership of The Association of Belarusian Guides is more than 1450 members (young people between 7 and 18 years old)

The Association of Belarusian Girl Guides cooperates with associations in other countries to welcome groups of Belarusian children in order to give them a healthy break in a “clean” environment.

The Belarusian Republican Youth Union is a governmental youth organization.

The BRSM was created on 6 September 2002, when two Belarusian youth organizations,

The Belarusian Youth Union and the Belarusian Patriotic Youth Union united.

Its aims are to promote patriotism and to develop moral values into the youth of Belarus, using activities such as camping, sporting events and visiting memorials.

The membership of the BRSM is more than 500,000 members (young people between 14 and 31 years old)

The BRSM participates in outdoor activities and sports, including football, running, swimming and hockey.

1.     Complete the column according to the text:


The Belarusian National Scout Association

The Association of Belarusian Girl Guides

The Belarusian Republican Youth Union (The BRSM)

















2. Mark the statements 1-4 (true) or (false):

1. The BRSM was created when two organizations, The Belarusian Youth Union and the Belarusian Patriotic Youth Union united.

2. Belarusian Scouting was reborn and reorganized in 1988.

3. The membership of the BRSM is more than 500,000 members (young people between 14 and 31 years old)

4. The Belarusian Republican Youth Union is a non governmental youth organization.

Read the text "The Belarusian Patriotic Union of Youth":

The Belarusian Patriotic Union of Youth

There are a lot of youth organizations in Belarus. The most authoritative of them are: the Belarusian Patriotic Union of Youth (BPUY), the Belarusian Union of Youth (BUY), Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization, the Association of Belarusian Scouts, the Belarusian Organizations of Falcons, the Belarusian Patriotic Union of Youth, the Belarusian National Scout Organization, the Association of Belarusian Guides, etc. The mentioned organizations take an active part in the formation of the basis and implementation of the state policy in respect of youth, these activities are managed and directed by the State Committee on the Affairs of Youth.

The most numerous youth organizations are the Belarusian Patriotic Union of Youth and the Belarusian Union of Youth.

The BPUY was formed in 1997. It has the status of a public union. This organization works in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus. It should be mentioned that in conformity with Article 9 of the Law of the republic of Belarus "On Public Associations" membership in public organizations is allowed for children at the age of 16, So every young person at the age of 16 can join the BPUY.

The main goal of the BPUY is to unite patriotically thinking young people for active participation in the construction of a society of social justice and progress. The main objectives of the organization are as follows:

- to express, defend and realize the rights and legal interests of its members;

- to form the world outlook, based on moral and spiritual, as well as Christian, values;

- to foster patriotism as the main spiritual and social value;

- to express devotion to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, to the country, its people and its state symbols;

- to give assistance to every member of the organization in his spiritual, intellectual and physical development and in realization of his abilities and creative potential;

- to take part in preparation of young people for the defence of their motherland.

The Belarusian Patriotic Union of Youth and its members accomplish their goals and objectives in the following activities:

- they participate in formation of youth policy and put it into practice;

- they support the initiatives of the youth, directed at self-perfection and all-round development of their individual abilities;

- they help young people to become integrated members of society;

- they elaborate and accomplish different educational, social and other youth programmes which do not contradict the present legislation of the republic of Belarus;

- they render assistance in finding employment;

- they promote international youth co-operation;

- they attract the attention of the mass media and the bodies of state power to the problems and initiatives of the youth;

- they organize conferences, meetings, lectures, exhibitions, concerts for young people; etc.

Members of the BPUY have certain rights and duties and they can leave the organization at their own free will.

The goals and objectives of another mass youth organization - the Belarusian Union of Youth - coincide with those of the BPUY. That's why they have decided to consolidate into a single organization. On September, 5, 2002 the Congresses of the BPUY and BUY took place, and on September, 6, 2002 the uniting congress of these two organizations was held at the concert hall "Minsk". The working group of the organising committee submitted for consideration of the delegates 3 main documents; the draft set of rules of the new organization, the conception of its development and the appeal to the youth of the Republic of Belarus. In the draft set of rules they propose to prolongate membership in the new organization from 14 to 31, which will help to pass on experience from generation to generation. On July, 19, 2002 the organising committee announced a competition for the best name of the new organization and its symbols.

No wonder that the process of uniting was widely supported by the youth. Its aim is quite noble: to create conditions for all-round development of young people and to contribute to creation of a civil society in Belarus.

Do the tasks:

I. Answer the questions:

1. Are there many youth organizations in Belarus? 2. When was the Belarusian Patriotic Union of Youth organized? 3. What is the goal of the organization? 4. What are the main objectives of the BPUY? 5. How does the BPUY accomplish its goals and objectives? 6. Does the BPUY help young people to become intergrated members of society? 7. Do the members of the BPUY have rights and duties? 8. Why have the BPUY and the BUY decided to consolidate into a single organization? 9. When and where did the uniting congress take place? 10. What documents were submitted for consideration? 11. What is the name of the new organization? 12. Does it have any symbols?

II. Fill in the table:

The Belarusian Patriotic Union of Youth











III. Work in groups. Find out from your partners:

- what youth organizations they know in Belarus;

- whether they belong/belonged to any of them;

- if it is necessary to have such organizations;

- what they think about the process of uniting of the BPUY and the BUY;

- whether they can suggest a name and symbols for the new youth organization;

- whether they would like to join this organization and why.

Read Mandy`s Story :


I think maybe I did something really stupid.

I've got a friend – I'll call her Heather. Well, Heather and I do everything together. We go to school together, listen to the same music, dress in the same way, have all the same interests. And last night we went to the disco together.

It was like every Friday. There were a lot of people. Heather and I danced a little. Then this great guy came and asked Heather to dance with him. "No problem," I told her.

So then this other guy – I think it was a friend of the guy who was dancing with Heather – came and asked me to dance. He wasn't as attractive as the first boy, but he had a great smile, so I said yes. We danced for a long time. Then the DJ played a slow song. Brian – that was the boy's name – put his arms around me and pulled me close. Ian, Heather's partner, did the same with her.

After two slow songs, Brian said, "Why don't we go outside?" I didn't feel good about it, but I said, "OK, but only with Heather." So, all four of us went outside. I thought maybe they would try to get a kiss or something, but I wasn't ready for what happened next. Brian pulled out a little bag of pills and offered us some. I said no, but Heather wanted to try the stuff. "A new experience," she said. "Come on, Mandy. It'll be fun."

"Yeah, Mandy, don't be such a goody-goody," Brian added.

I didn't even have to think about it: I told them I just didn't want any drugs and walked away. Heather stayed, and I have no idea what happened after that. 

It's Saturday night, and Heather still hasn't phoned. I've got a guilty conscience, but I'm afraid to call her house. If she isn't there, her parents would just worry.



stupid – глупый 

same – одинаковый 

guy – парень  

attractive – привлекательный 

smile – улыбка 

kiss – поцелуй 

pill – таблетка 

to offer – предлагать 

stuff – вещество  

experience – жизненный опыт 

goody-goody – разг. ханжа 

drugs – наркотики 

guilty – виноватый 

conscience – совесть 

to worry – волноваться


I. Find English equivalents:

Сделала глупость, всё делаем вместе, одинаково одеваемся, имеем общие интересы, пригласил на танец, великолепная улыбка, попытается поцеловать, вытащил таблетки, предложил нам, попробовать, не имею представления, что случилось, всё ещё не звонила, мне совестно.

II. Make word combinations: 

1. to dress  

2. to have  

3. to ask 

4. to try  

5. to offer  

6. to get

7. to play 

8. to feel 

a. to dance

b. the stuff

c. pills

d. in the same way

e. a kiss

f. a slow song

g. good about smth.

h. all the same interests

III. Complete the sentences: 

1.     Mandy and Heather are ...

2.     On Friday night the two girls went to ...

3.     At the disco ... 

4.     After two slow songs the boys ...

5.     Outside Brian offered ...

6.     Heather ..., but Mandy ...

7.     Since then Mandy and Heather ...

IV. Say if the sentences are true or false:

a) It’s true.           b) It’s false.          c) It’s not mentioned in the text. 

1.     Mandy likes people who have interests that are different from hers.

2.     Mandy and Heather went to the disco by car.

21332.                    Mandy had never tasted alcohol or drugs before.

21333.                    Mandy liked the boy who asked her to dance.

21334.                    Heather was an adventurous girl (искательница приключений).

21335.                    Mandy didn't let her friend take the drug.

V. Proof the facts:

1. Mandy and Heather were or were not true friends.

2. Discos are not always safe places for young girls.

3. Girls should be more thoughtful when they go out.

VI. Answer the questions :

1. At the beginning of the story Mandy writes "Maybe I did something really stupid." What does she mean? Do you think it was stupid?

2. What reasons does Heather give when she wants to try the pills? Do you think these are good arguments? How would you act in Mandy's place?

3. Was Mandy right not to phone Heather the next day? What would you do in her place?

4. Why do you think Mandy tells this story?

5. What was the ending to the story? Give your versions.

VII. Make a dialogue. 

VIII. Read the poem:

Shel Silverstein 

The Voice

There is a voice inside of you

That whispers all day long.

"I feel that this is right for me,

I know that that is wrong."

No teacher, preacher, parent, friend

Or wise man can decide

What's right for you – just listen to

The voice that speaks inside.

What does the poet mean by "The voice that speaks inside"

 Read the text "Is it easy to be young?" :



At the age of 18 young people take on most of the rights and responsibilities of adulthood. But until adolescent years come, the teenager lives through a very important character-building period of his life. 

The teenage years for most young people are basically free of a serious conflict, but they may face problems either at home or at school or with their friends. 

Some people very often talk about a "generation gap" — a gap between the views of the younger generation of teenagers and the views of their parents. But talk about a generation gap is sometimes exaggerated. When parents and teenagers argue, usually it is about simple things. The most common reason is the teenagers' attitude towards other family members. One more common reason is that parents want their children to help more about the house. The third most common basis for arguments between parents and teenagers is the quality of the teenagers' schoolwork. Some other traditional disagreements are the friends with whom the young people spend their leisure time. 

However, there exist some more serious problems, such as peer pressure, changing family conditions, mobility of families and unemployment. And if the young people can't cope on their own with the difficulties and they have nobody to turn to for support or advice, some of the teenagers take to drinking or they may even start taking drugs or committing crimes. 

Why are young people committing crimes? Among the causes are poor family relationships (often the children were abused or neglected while growing up), bad neighbourhood conditions and peer pressure. 

However, for every teenager having such problems many more are making positive contributions to their communities, schools and society. Usually these young people are from stable, happy families. Such families are similar in many ways whether they are rich or poor. Stable, happy families spend time together. Happy families also talk about their problems. They may even argue, but this keeps problems from getting too big to solve. When problems arise, happy families work together to solve them.



rights – права  

responsibility – ответственность 

adult – взрослый 

adolescent – юный, подростковый 

to face – сталкиваться 

generation – поколение 

views – взгляды  

to exaggerate – преувеличивать 

to argue – ругаться, спорить 

simple – простой 

common – зд. распространённый  

reason – причина 

attitude – отношение 

quality – качество 

disagreement – разногласие 

leisure time – свободное время 

peer pressure – давление сверстников 

unemployment – безработица 

to cope – справляться 

on their own – самостоятельно 

support – поддержка 

advice – совет 

drugs – наркотики 

to commit crimes – совершать преступления  

cause – причина 

to be abused – подвергаться насилию 

contribution – вклад  


I. Find English equivalents:

Права и обязанности, юные годы, без серьёзных конфликтов, могут столкнуться с проблемами, взгляды их родителей, иногда преувеличен, спорят о простых вещах, самая распространённая причина, больше помогать по дому, успеваемость в школе, не могут справиться самостоятельно, обратиться за советом, плохие отношения в семье.

II. Make up word combinations


1. adolescent 

2. character-building 

3. generation 

4. simple 

5. common 

6. traditional 

7. peer 

8. family 

9. positive 

10. happy 

a. things

b. disagreements

c. reason

d. relationships

e. period

f. pressure

g. contributions

h. families

i. years

j. gap


III. Complete the sentences: 

1. Until the age of 18, the teenager lives through a very important … period of his life. 

2. The teenagers may … problems either at home or at school. 

3. I think, the talk about a … gap is often exaggerated. 

4. Parents and teenagers usually … about simple things. 

5. Parents want their children to … more about the house. 

6. Parents often don’t like the friends with whom the young people … their time. 

7. If the young people have nobody to turn to for support, some of them take to … or may even start taking … . 

8. Why are young people … crimes? 

9. Many teenagers make … contributions to their communities.

10. … families spend time together and talk about their … . 














IV. Answer the questions:

1. What problems may the teenagers face? 

2. What do you think about a "generation gap"? 

3. What parents and teenagers may argue about?

4. What kind of peer pressure may a teenager feel? Give your examples.

5. What can happen if the young people can't cope on their own with their problems?

6. Why are young people committing crimes? 

7. How do happy families solve their problems?

V. Translate the sentences:

1. Ты всегда можешь обратиться за советом к маме. Она тебя поддержит. 

2. Его родителям не нравятся его друзья.

3. Многие молодые люди сталкиваются с проблемой безработицы.

4. У вас есть не только права, но и обязанности.

5. Давайте попробуем решить эту проблему самостоятельно.

6. Помогаешь ли ты маме по дому?

7. У меня возникли трудности, мне нужен ваш совет. 

8. Мы с родителями никогда не соримся.


