Outstanding people

Do you know famous people of Belarus? Let`s read about them and answer the questions:

Outstanding People of Belarus

Belarusian land gave birth to many famous people whose names are known all over the world. The names of such Belarusian think­ers as Efrosinya Polotskaya and Kirill Turovsky have been known since ancient times. Since the 12th century we have known the name of the great Belarusian jeweler Lazar Bogsha and his priceless creation — the Cross of St. Efrosinya, which was decorated with numerous precious stones. It goes without saying Belarusian literature has made a great contribution to world literature. The names of Y. Kupala and Y. Kolas, M. Bagdanovich, K. Krapiva, V. Korotkevich, V. Bykov are world famous. Their works are translated into many European languages. Many streets are named af­ter the Belarusian writers. As for Belarusian art the names of K. Malevich, Mark Shagal, M. Savitsky and others are known far beyond the borders of our country. The Belarusian culture is also famous for its ballet. The Opera and Ballet Theatre in Minsk is the centre of the national Belarusian school of ballet. The national Belarusian theatre school is well-known too. It's also a pleasure to mention the names of such fa­mous Belarusian composers as N. Churkin, I. Luchenok, A. Bogatyrev, N. Aladov. The Belarusian vo­cal groups “Pesnyary” and dance group “Khoroshky” have been a great success in Europe. Many prominent names in the history of Belarus of the 20th century are connected with two main events, the Se­cond World War and space exploration. All Belarusians fought heroically defending their Motherland. But we are especially proud of the heroes of the last war: K. Zaslonov, E. Osipova, N. Gastello, V. Talalikhin, the defenders of Brest fortress and many others. In the family of cosmonauts there are also two Belarusians, A. Kovalyonok and P. Klimuk. One thing is obvious: great times are created by great men.

1. What famous people of Belarus do you know? 

2. What Belarusian sportsmen contributed into the development of sports? In what way? 

3. A lot of outstanding people originated from Belarus. Which of them would you like to meet? What questions would you ask him/her? 

4. Your pen-friend from England asks you to provide some information about Belarusian enlighteners which might be of help to him with his report about our country. Give some advice. 

 Watch the video:

Read the text about Horatio Nelson:


NELSON, HORATIO (1758-1805), was Great Britain's greatest admiral. In 1805, he defeated the combined French and Spanish fleets at Trafalgar in the greatest naval victory in British history. His victory established Britain's rule of the seas for the rest of the 1800's.  

Born in the family of a Norfolk priest on 29th September 1758 Horatio Nelson was weak and small when he was a child. He was the fifth son of a family of 11 children. Despite his physical weakness he had a great will to become a seaman. His uncle, Captain Maurice Suckling, learned about it and was very surprised saying that the first rough storm would make the boy change his mind.

However, in 1771 his uncle planned a voyage to the Falkland Islands and took him aboard his ship. Nelson did well, and so his uncle supported him to go on with his seaman's job. At the age of 14 Nelson was allowed to join an expedition to the North Pole. 

In 1777, after serving six years at sea, Nelson received the rank of lieutenant. In 1784 he took command of a frigate and was sent to the West Indies. Here he met and married Mrs. Frances Nisbet, a young widow with a little son. 

In 1793 war broke out between England and France, and Nelson was offered the command of a big ship of 64 guns, which joined the English fleet in the Mediterranean Sea. Nelson displayed his outstanding qualities as a seaman, commander and admiral. In one of the battles to drive the French out of the island of Corsica he was wounded and lost his right eye.

In 1796 Spain declared war on Britain. The English fleet was now in a more difficult position because it had to fight against the combined fleets of France and Spain. Anyway Nelson managed to win in a battle when 15 British ships were facing 27 Spanish ones. Soon Nelson became admiral. 

During military action against the Spanish forces to take a fortress of Santa Cruz de Tenerife in the Canary Islands, he went ashore to lead the final attack. In the fighting he lost his right arm and thought that his career was over. But quite soon after recovery Nelson was sent to take action against the French fleet.

By this time Napoleon with the help of the French fleet was already in Egypt. Nelson guessed the plans of the French and attacked the French fleet at the mouth of the Nile. It was a brilliant victory for Nelson: of 17 French ships 13 were burned or captured. Napoleon was left in Egypt without a support fleet. Nelson received the title Baron of the Nile.

Nelson himself could not return to England at this time because he was wounded. So he stayed in Naples in Italy where Lady Hamilton, the wife of the English ambassador, took care of him. As a result of their relationship Nelson separated from his wife.

Nelson became a national hero though he hadn't yet achieved his greatest victory which cost him his life. The greatest sea battle between the English and combined French and Spanish fleets took place near Cadiz in Spain at Cape Trafalgar on 21st October 1805. Nelson had 27 ships against 18 French and 15 Spanish. Just before the beginning of the battle Nelson sent the famous signal to the ships: "England expects that every man will do his duty". Nelson himself was on the "Victory", a first class man-of-war of 100 guns. Nelson wore his usual uniform with the four orders on the breast. He was on the captain's deck watching the course of the battle. At 13.25 Nelson received his death wound by a sniper. Before Nelson died three hours later he was told about complete victory.  


to defeat – одержать победу 

to establish – установить 

priest – священник 

weak – слабый 

despite – не смотря на 

to support – поддерживать 

to go on – продолжать 

to offer – предлагать 

gun – пушка 

to wound – ранить 

daring – отважный 

seizure – захват 

ashore – на берег 

recovery – выздоровление 

to guess – догадаться 

mouth – устье (реки) 

to burn – сжигать   

to capture – захватить 

ambassador – посол 

though – хотя 

to achieve – достигать 

to cost – стоить 

duty – долг 

man-of-war – военный корабль 



I. Find English equivalents:

Величайшая морская победа, господство на морях, не смотря на физическую слабость, воля, заставит передумать, взял на борт, поддержал его, женился на вдове, разразилась война, предложили командовать, незаурядные способности, был ранен, ещё более отважный, вражеские корабли, военные действия, карьера закончилась, угадал планы, получил титул, выполнит свой долг, на капитанском мостике, полная победа.   

 II. Find the words with the meaning «ship».

III. What are the role of these people in Nelson`s life?:

Captain Maurice Suckling, Mrs. Frances Nisbet, Napoleon, Lady Hamilton

IV. Name the dates:  

29th September 1758, 1771, 1777, 1784, 1793, 1796, 21st October 1805

V. Ask questions and answer:












his great will?

become a seaman?

his first voyage? 

allowed to join an expedition to the North Pole?

receive the rank of lieutenant?

take command of a ship? What kind of ship was it?

meet his future wife?


do during military action to take a fortress of Santa Cruz de Tenerife?

think that his career was over?

defeat Napoleon’s fleet?

meet Lady Hamilton?

his greatest victory?



VI. Translate the sentences: 

1. Мы считаем, что величайшая победа в нашей истории – это победа над фашизмом (over fascism).  

2. Несмотря на то, что он был слабым ребёнком, ему удалось (managed) стать великим спортсменом.

3. Я очень удивлена тем, что вижу вас здесь. 

4. Мои родители поддерживали моё стремление стать художником.  

5. Мне разрешили принять участие в экспедиции в Южную Америку.


